Sunday, July 18, 2010

"All About Steve" now on HBO in heavy rotation

Sandra Bullock won a Razzie for last year's ALL ABOUT STEVE. This clunker tanked at the Box Office, but it's now finding a wide audience in heavy rotation on the premium cable channels.

I gotta say...yeah, it's bad. But while it's a failure, it's a fascinating one.

The movie has been accused of being misogynist; anti- mentally disturbed; and even anti- pro-life. But I don't think any of those criticisms are valid. The movie has its heart squarely in the right place. One message of the film is that there's a place in the world for a square peg.

And Sandy Bullock is totally committed to a character who should be ...totally committed !

ALL ABOUT STEVE is a watchable bad movie. In fact, it's so bad, it's [almost] good. It's certainly more entertaining than other iconic clunkers: ISHTAR, WATERWORLD or HUDSON HAWK.

The narrative has enough momentum that you don't have time to be bored, and you kinda wanna see how it will turn out.

To be clear: I'm not saying it's a good movie -- I would lose any credibility.
But it's a goofy bad movie that would be fun to watch with a group with each person taking turns shouting witticisms at the screen.

I've seen worse, that's all I'm saying.

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